Frequently asked questions
To unlock the true potential of young adults!
Young adults have immense potential. Teenage students in high-school and college are served well if their academic and career decisions are aligned with who they really are and who best they can be. ProTeen is their decision companion to self-discover these decisions and unlock a brighter future!
ProTeen is a gamified experience for teenage students to play at their own pace, in their own space on the web or app platforms and self-discover inspiring professions to make thoughtful academic and career decisions. ProTeen’s gamified web and mobile platform guides high school and college students through the maze of real world career options and helps them achieve their future goals by making intelligent academic choices. As students play ProTeen, PROMISE (ProTeen’s Multiple Intelligences Synthesis Engine) works in the background weaving together a wide array of threads from spools belonging to three essential aspects required for making well-informed decisions namely Awareness – Experiential – Individuality.
Awareness cum freedom of choice experienced by navigating across 600+ professions. Students gain insights into 25+ associated threads such as subjects, academics, skills, potential and many more.
Experiential comprehension by role playing 3000+ varied tasks. Students play games based on mental, physical and emotional skills of varied professions designed using Bloom’s, Krathwohl and Anderson’s revised taxonomy.
Individuality fitment insights for each profession determined using a unique hybrid assessment methodology designed based on psychometric theories using 24 parameters of Aptitude (9 objective parameters), Personality (6 subjective parameters of Dr.Holland’s Personality theory) and Multiple Intelligences (9 MI parameters of Dr. Gardner’s MI theory)
Needs of professions are mapped with individuality assessed on the same 24 parameters.
Every individual is unique and hence everyone has a personal way that ideally works for them! Here are a few ways in which you can find your ideal way to begin:
Seriously Methodical – You begin by completing your “Profile Builder” sections” on your Dashboard. Your interests and strengths are assessed by PROMISE revealing your Individuality. You also get your personalized individuality map to different professions. PROMISE also churns out Career suggetions for you to consider, going forward. You get rewarded with Points. You also earn ProCoins that can be useful to when you “Explore” careers.
Curiously Inquisitive – You begin by way of selecting “Careers” from the menu and researching “Details” browsing through hundreds of different careers and beoming aware of all the choices. This way you get to comprehend different careers by way of watching career videos, browsing through interesting pieces of information related to each career choice such as its Outlook, the subjects and interests of value in the career, skills, education path, and many more interesting aspects related to this career. You get rewarded with Points. You also earn ProCoins that can be useful to when you “Explore” careers.
Instinctively Experimental – You begin by way of jumping to “Careers” from the menu and getting to “Explore” careers by role playing different careers and getting a feel by doing different tasks in those professions and competing with others who will be competing for getting and staying ahead on the different Professions leaderboards
Whichever way you choose to begin your self-discovery, you will self-realize that well-informed decisions can be made by navigating through all these experiences as well as connecting and collaborating with common interest peers from the community, and if you so desire – inviting your parents and mentors to participate and contribute. Mark “Star” careers you like and wish to shortlist for them to appear in “My Careers” on your dashboard.
Having fun irrespective of whichever way is perhaps a common ideal way to begin your self-discovery with ProTeen!
Hey! Be confident that you will never get stuck playing ProTeen until you wish to!!
Remember that it is your self-discovery championship and ProTeen is your decision companion and guide!
Build your profile, explore professions suited to your interests and strengths, build your common interest and strength friends network to collaborate, engage with the community and you will have more answers than questions!
And yes – there all a lot of useful tool tips (those “?” symbols you see) available thorough out the ProTeen experience to help you. Explore, experience and enjoy playing ProTeen confidently.
You can always reach out to us too! Our contact details are at https://www.proteen.com/contact-us You could also Whatsapp to +918657386646
A student user can sign-up (also called as register) on ProTeen from web browser or from the ProTeen App (Android or iOS). The process is the same and as an example Watch this video to know more www.youtube.com/watch?v=K4-20RbZ0n8&feature=youtu.be
The Profile Builder has three sections namely – Preferences, Thinking and Social. Together, these are a set of 75 questions that assess your interests and strengths. Complete the Preference section to unlock your Interests! Complete the Thinking and Social sections to unlock your Strengths! You earn valuable ProTeen Points for your leaderboard position as well as valuable ProCoins you can use later to unlock advanced and personalized analytics or to get certified or simply gift them to others. After you complete the profile buider, you are free to explore careers. There are some careers that get suggested to you as well. All careers in ProTeen get color coded into three categories based on your personalized assessment. This can be one (not the only) aspect you can consider for your intelligent academic and career decisions.
Watch this video to know more youtu.be/tnSgyo9k8nM
Your Strengths and Interests are determined using an hybrid assessment tool christened PROMISE – ProTeen Multiple Intelligence Synthesis Engine. It assessess your strengths based on 24 parameters of aptitude, personality, multiple intelligences as well as other Interests. Watch this video to know more www.youtube.com/watch?v=prQwj_5Zw_c&feature=youtu.be
PROMISE – ProTeen Multiple Intelligence Synthesis Engine maps your Strengths and Interests to the varied needs or professions. It then shows you the results in two formats : A simple map using three color codes and an advanced map that reflects the need of the profession and your individuality strength mapped to that need. Watch this video to know more youtu.be/zz8Qj8DnwlQ
You can explore careers in a variety of ways in ProTeen. You could search for a profession by name or you can navigate to a profession using the Careers page from the menu and search by name or industry. Each career has a video and a number of information items that you can view. Watch this video to know more youtu.be/D5bxoAOKJEU
Hobbies can sometime hold a clue to a real profession where it is valued enough to earn you a living. Every career in ProTeen has been mapped to some of such potential hobby clues and vice-versa. Watch this video to know more youtu.be/UtJZu1mTa9c
Role play in ProTeen is a gamified collection of thousands of tasks based on varied skills required in different professions. You can role play by attempting any or all of the tasks in any career. Role play gives you an experential comprehension about the types of skills you will require in every profession at your own space in your own place, virtually. Role play helps you know another aspect of every profession for intelligent academic and career decisions. Role play is also exciting since you get to see how you are faring in comparison to others like you on hundreds of professions. You will be able to discover people with common interests and connect with them to collaborate. Watch this video to know more youtu.be/GtynybFDTVA
You can express your opinion and vote on a variety of role models in ProTeen and watch live trends. This fun activity also earns you valuable Procoins.Watch this video to know more https://youtu.be/4PU3W7uhg94
In ProTeen you can engage with your peer community in a variety of ways. Watch this video to know more youtu.be/ukg476U5Hg0
With an academic tracker, you can keep track of your performance and progress on different subjects based on your academic score/grade. With a goal tracker you can figure out different careers suited to your favourite subjects (upto 4) as well as different professions based on their needs of subject proficiency. Watch this video to know more youtu.be/40gSiHJT8jY
College finder helps you find the relevant colleges based on education streams relevant to each career. It also helps you filter colleges based on multiple criteria. Watch this video to know more youtu.be/hh35-H30Pb0
ProCoins is the virtual currency of ProTeen. ProCoins can be earned as well as spent based on the type of activities. For example completing the profile builder or voting role models or exploring careers earns the user ProCoins. Specialized role plays and advanced analytics activities require ProCoins to be consumed. The idea is that you learn to earn and spend valuably.
Points are earned as a result of your successful completion of activities in ProTeen such as for example role plays. Points get you on the various leaderboard positions of different professions in ProTeen